This Locker Hooking Rug Canvas 4.0 is a new plastic rug canvas replacing the cotton canvas . There are 4 holes per inch. This canvas is much softer and easy to use. I have run new canvas rugs through the washing machine and dryer and they hold up fine. 3/4″ cotton strips can be used as well as the 1″ strips. The width of the strips depends on the material used. The heavier the material, the thinner the strips. The old cotton canvas had a lot of sizing in it that took a few washing and use to get it soft. The new plastic is soft to start. Also the canvas measures 58 1/2″ but there is little selvage to remove making it very close to the same size as the cotton canvas. Sold by the yard. I have 20 yards on hand. I can ship any amount but the largest single piece I can ship is 5 yards. I have four 5 yard pieces and on hand.